DCLTA Newsletter Advertising
The DCLTA Newsletter is distributed January, April, July and November. The newsletter is distributed by email blast, social media and the DCLTA website.
Newsletter Advertisement Specifications:
Website Banner Ads:Banner Ad Size: 180px x 180px$400 for 4 months$250 for 2 months$150 for 1 month
Digital File Requirements:
Deadlines:All ads must be submitted by the 1st of the month for inclusion in that month's edition.The DCLTA Board of Directors reserves the right to reject advertising not deemed suitable for this publication.
Cybersecurity Summit March 18, 2025 Mary Gates Learning Center 701 N. Fairfax St. Alexandria, Virginia
Registration is limited to 40 attendees
The District of Columbia Land Title Association (DCLTA) is thrilled to partner with the Virginia Land Title Association (VLTA) to present a must-attend Security Summit tailored for professionals in the real estate and title industries. This event offers a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of the latest cybersecurity challenges and solutions impacting your work.
The summit will feature three dynamic, one-hour presentations by prominent experts:
DCLTA and VLTA members will have the chance to network and collaborate, strengthening industry ties while gaining invaluable knowledge to safeguard their businesses.
CE Credit Information: Details regarding the availability of continuing education (CE) credits for both DC general and Virginia licenses will be announced soon.
Bonus Opportunity: As an added benefit, DCLTA members with Virginia licenses can stay after the summit for a regional meeting, conveniently held at the same venue. Below is the link register to attend VLTA's Regional Meeting in the afternoon. Attendees must register in advance. https://www.vlta.org/ev_calendar_day.asp?date=3/18/2025&eventid=425. Don’t miss this vital event that combines cutting-edge information, expert advice and professional networking. Protecting your business and your clients has never been more critical.
SAVE THE DATEDCLTA Spring SeminarThursday, May 8, 2025atMaggiano's Little Italy Chevy Chase5333 Wisconsin Ave. NWWashington, DC 20015
Spring Seminar Exhibitor/Sponsorship Registration
Thursday, May 8, 2025 Maggiano’s Little Italy, Chevy Chase533 Wisconsin Ave. NWWashington, DC 20015
The D.C. Land Title Association is pleased to invite your company to participate in the 2025 Spring Seminar.
There are several opportunities to have your company and it services in front of the top title industry professionals. Your organization’s support allows DCLTA to focus its efforts on providing the best education, social and networking opportunities possible in our industry! The exhibit portion of the seminar will be open from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. EXHIBITOR BOOTH FEES $600 member/$750 non-memberTabletop Space - Includes table, 2 chairs, and a trashcan. Display space will be limited to the tabletop. Each tabletop includes two registrations. Additional registrations can be purchased for $160 for members and $210 for non-members. Exhibit Space deadline is Friday, April 25, 2025.
SPONSORSHIPSPLATINUM LEVELLunch Sponsor - $1,000Happy Hour Sponsor - $1000Tote Bag Sponsor – $1,000Speaker Sponsor – $1,000 (Four opportunities)Name Badge & Lanyard Sponsor – $1,000
PLEASE NOTE: Platinum Sponsorship includes two registrations.
GOLD LEVELBreak Sponsor – $750 (Two opportunities)Coffee & Napkins - $750Mini Chocolates or Mints - $750MicroCloth - $750Clip Magnet - $750Pen and Notepad Drop Sponsor – $750Event Microsite Sponsor - $750Promotional material in attendees’ bag/seats (sponsor to provide) – $750
Method of Payment Credit card payments can be only made online. Payments made by checks can be made by using the registration form . A $49 fee will be charged for returned checks. All payments in US funds on US banks. DCLTA currently accepts the following credit cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. DCLTA is unable to accept credit cards by phone, fax, email or by mail. If you don’t remember your username and password, use the Forgot Password link on the DCLTA website. By entering the email address associated with your member record. Please contact the DCLTA office at 202-318-0207 if you have any questions or have trouble logging in.
Conditions, Rules & Regulations:DCLTA is not liable for any loss sustained by the participant as a result of the participant’s failure to access the conference website or as a result of any breakdowns, software errors, incomplete or inaccurate transfer of information. The person signing this application on behalf of the exhibitor’s behalf shall be deemed to have full authority to do so and shall have no right to claim against DCLTA that such person or persons did not have authority. The exhibitor is responsible for creating all content for their tabletop.
1201 Dublin Road, Ste 136, Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 202-318-0207 ©2022 DC Land Title Association
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