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We know you are busy

- but nothing helps you recharge and recalibrate your business - and yourself as a professional - like events.

With multiple opportunities to learn from title experts, meet industry vendors and network with colleagues, you will want to make sure DCLTA events are on your annual calendar!

Upcoming Events

Educational Seminars

Become an industry thought leader.

Every spring and fall we host educational seminars through which practicing title professionals can obtain Continuing Education (CE) credits (subject to state approval). We focus on delivering both general and DC-specific CE credits and covering topics that matter to you. These seminars provide an excellent forum keeping up to date on the latest developments in a rapidly changing industry.

Real estate professional raising his hand at an educational seminar.

A panel of real estate professionals at a meeting.

Annual Meeting

Make your voice heard.

Our annual members-only meeting is your forum for making your views known and providing direction to our industry through the election of new board members. By combining our members' voices, DCLTA makes sure that we can reach the largest possible audience about the issues that matter to you.

Social events

Add some fun to your social calendar.

Our social events are the ideal way to build your social network in a sun setting. This is your opportunity to relax for an evening, gather with friends and colleagues, develop new contacts, and enhance your capacity for success. Make sure DCLTA is on your social calendar.

Four real estate professionals taking a group selfie.


1201 Dublin Road,  Ste 136, Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 202-318-0207
©2022 DC Land Title Association

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