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PRIA Winter Symposium - Charting the Course - Thursday February 27

February 25, 2014 8:49 AM | Anonymous

Charting the Course through Demographics

Charting The Course for additional details and the Registration Form.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 27, when Ken Gronbach, demographer and futurist, will provide a

glimpse into the future of the land records industry. From the real estate comeback to the rise in small, local

financial institutions to the “boomer” retirement, he’ll explain how the forces will unite to change the

landscape of the country.

This half-day program is sponsored by the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) in conjunction with its

2014 Winter Symposium at the Marriott Crystal City, Arlington, VA.


1201 Dublin Road,  Ste 136, Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 202-318-0207
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